Friday, January 1, 2010


The last few days I have seen directly the devastating injuries from IED's, the infamous improvised explosive devices that have become the face of this war. Two government workers, one Canadian and one American, sustained some very serious injuries from IED blasts while working in Afghanistan. It's terrible. We are doing everything we can to help them. One is well on his way home and the other patient hopefully will follow soon. It's humbling to help treat them in the ICU.

It just blows my mind that people can be so evil. It is such a cowardly act to plant a bomb. I don't think I will ever understand it. It's sickening.

I know that over the next 6 months we will see countless patients who have been injured by an IED. It's not easy taking care of these patients, but we must do it. What else can I say?


  1. IEDs are disgusting, I agree! I don't know what is wrong with people to plant something so dangerous, and then let any passerby fall victim. It could have been a child! Keep up your hard work, you are actually saving lives!

  2. Thanks Katrina. Did you know that I am here with Mike Greene?
